Take a step back and breathe…

I hit a wall last Friday. Not only was it a very busy week in general but it ended badly at work to the point where I came off the phone to a journalist, the emotion took over and I was sitting opposite my lovely colleagues on the verge of tears. I was stressing myself out so much that I felt sick, I was desperately trying to hold back tears and my body just generally felt so tired to the point where it ached. 

Saturday morning I looked horrendous and I’m not just saying that. The bags under my eyes were something else and as I sat there dreading the thought of going to the gym looking like that, I realised that enough was enough. It was time to stop and take a breath. 

As I got on with normal life over the weekend, it suddenly became clear how insignificant and stupid that tiny problem I was crying over was. Like my mum always says, ‘it’s not the end of the world.’ And she’s right. Sometimes it’s tricky to care less about things you feel strongly towards, but at the same time, if you’re staring into a mirror with bloodshot eyes looking like you’ve been punched because of the blue rings around them, then it is 100% not worth the stress. 

Today I was back at work.  A part of me thought, ‘I should chase this journalist to find out what’s happening’ but then I realised, ‘actually, it’s not urgent, have a stress free day and focus on something else…’ And that is exactly what I’ve done and I feel so much better for it.

Sometimes we just need to take a step back, breathe and let it go. This is something I’m going to learn to do in the future so I don’t end up in the same situation.



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